She-Ra and He-Man are twins; She-Ra is the OLDER twin. Assume they were born immediately after each other, an infinitesimally small – but nonzero – amount of time apart. During one year in the course of their lives, She-Ra celebrates her birthday two days AFTER He-Man does. How is this possible?

She-Ra and He-Man are twins; She-Ra is the OLDER twin. Assume they were born immediately after each other, an infinitesimally small – but nonzero – amount of time apart. During one year in the course of their lives, She-Ra celebrates her birthday two days AFTER He-Man does. How is this possible?

Bonus: What is the maximum amount of time by which She-Ra and He-Man can be apart in their birthday celebrations during the same year? I think it’s more than two days.


Sheila is born March 1st on the left side
of the international date line, moments later while He-Man was comming
out they crossed the line and he was born Feb 28th. So on leap years
He-Man celebrates his birthday on feb 28th,(two days before Sheila does
on March 1st)

4 thoughts on “She-Ra and He-Man are twins; She-Ra is the OLDER twin. Assume they were born immediately after each other, an infinitesimally small – but nonzero – amount of time apart. During one year in the course of their lives, She-Ra celebrates her birthday two days AFTER He-Man does. How is this possible?

  1. hiiiiiiii, paku it is very nice.

  2. The Date is 29 feb and time is 11:59 and 12:01

  3. Her name is She-Ra and not Sheila!

  4. @altoschwelli, thanks for the correction. Updated it now.

    – Pa1

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