International Time Conversions

When you are working with an MNC, it’s pretty common to have interactions with onsite team Vs offsite teams. Problems comes when your calender tool not properly convert the appointments between the time zones. These are the very common Time conversions used perticularly by professionals from Indian Sub Continent.

Time Zone                      Standard Time & Summer Time        Daylight Saving

India Standard Time (IST)                                       +5.5 hours

Eastern Standard Time (EST)(EDT)                          -5 hours                            -4 hours

Central Standard Time (CST)(CDT)                          -6 hours                            -5 hours

Mountain Standard Time (MST)(MDT)                       -7 hours                            -6 hours

Pacific Standard Time (PST)(PDT)                             -8 hours                            -7 hours

For example, to convert between IST and PST, from the above table you can easily figure out that the difference between those two time zones is 13.5 hours.

ie. Today 9 AM (IST) = Prev Day 7:30 PM (PST)

Simple rule is: PST is 13.5 hours behind IST.

So to catch a person in PST between 6AM to 6PM from IST is very difficult in day time 🙂 . As it comes to next day 7:30PM to next next day 7:30AM from IST.

Hope it helps you. For more time zones .

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8 thoughts on “International Time Conversions

  1. Very Useful Information.

  2. Sir,

    HOW TO convete the PST time was 07:49:25 to IST pls help 2

  3. @Remya, thanks.


    Just add 13 hours & 30 mins to that PST time to know respective time in IST.

    In your case, it will be 09:19:25 IST time next day.

    – Pavan

  4. IT IS 9.19.25

  5. @Kumar, Thanks for the correction. My bad math 🙂

    – Pavan

  6. what is ist time if pst time is 3 p.m. on 15 march 2012, on thursday

  7. how to convert pst time 3.oo p.m. 15th march to ist time

  8. how to convert pst time was 3.p.m. to ist

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