When I am working on a search engine projects, suddenly I got one thought that is what happens when search become perfect ?(though we are not even close to that). Just think in that way, suppose we achieved our search perfect, then people using these search become limited minded, isn’t it?. While you are searching in current situation, there is a maximum possiblity that you may stop one of the web page which not at all related to the site you are looking for. That means, you are grasping other knowledge not only related to our interest. Thing is, when you want to search a perticular thing you can achieve that as our search become perfect. But how do you come to know about that perticular thing, that is you should be known before about that. Though this happens not only just because of surfing the net, but it has its own role there and we are loosing that when search become perfect. So think more on this for reasoning :).