Best of way of writing empty links in javascript is <a href=”javascript:void(0);” onMouseOver=”status=”;return true” onClick=”myPopup();” > here, due to onMouseOver attribute, it won’t display the link location in the browser status bar. Otherwise, you see the ugly location to “javascript:void(0)”Continue reading… Empty links in javascript
Category: Java Script
Cross Browser Compatability – Web Resources compares Strict and Transitional XHTML is a great web site for learning different web technologies covers W3C DOM compatibility among different browsers and platforms provides up to date browser usage statistics provides migration guide fromContinue reading… Cross Browser Compatability – Web Resources
Hiding Javascript Source
When you code an external javascript you identify that it is a javascript using either or both of the language and type parameters on the script tag. The file suffix of .js doesn’t get referenced in determining that the calledContinue reading… Hiding Javascript Source