Question : Three masters of logic wanted to find out who was the wisest one. So they invited the grand master, who took them into a dark room and said: “I will paint each one of you a red orContinue reading… Logic Puzzles : (dots)
Category: Puzzles
Man in the Elevator
Question : A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. In the evening, he gets into the elevator, and, if there is someone elseContinue reading… Man in the Elevator
Seven Points
Question : Can you place seven points in a plane so that if any three of them are chosen, then at least two of them lie at a unit distance from each other? Answer : Sorry guys, I don’t knowContinue reading… Seven Points
The defective machine
Question : Here are some problems based on finding the defective machine from given machines. All the machines are identical and produce indentical coins of 10 grams each. You are given 10 machines. One machine is defective and it producesContinue reading… The defective machine
The Son
Question : A man is driving to his father’s funeral when he is involved in a serious road accident. He is rushed to hospital and is lying on the operating table when the surgeon walks in, looks at him andContinue reading… The Son
Three Light Bulbs
Question : You are in the attic of a building. On the wall are three numbered light switches. Down in the basement are three numbered light bulbs, each is connected to one switch. You don’t know which switch is connectedContinue reading… Three Light Bulbs
The Two Robots
Question : This is a classic brain teaser and probably appears in a variety of forms. The version here is based on the 1970’s series of Dr Who, “The Pyramids of Mars”. You are forced to flee for your lifeContinue reading… The Two Robots
Two Fuses
Question : You have in your possession two fuses; the classic burning kind used for detonating dynamite, and also a box of matches. Each fuse burns for exactly one hour but the burning process is completely erratic making it impossibleContinue reading… Two Fuses
The Bridge
Question : Four people need to cross a narrow bridge at night.The bridge will only hold a maximum of two people. A torch must be carried by someone crossing the bridge – else they will fall in! But there isContinue reading… The Bridge
Probably difficult
Question : There are three prisoners A, B and C. A knows that two of the three are going to be released. Obviously the probability that A is released is 2/3. Now A becomes curious and asks the jailor,”Which twoContinue reading… Probably difficult