Static variable When static storage class is given, it is initialized once. The change in the value of a static variable is retained even between the function calls. Main is also treated like any other ordinary function, which can beContinue reading… extern, static variables, enum, register
Category: Placements
Computer Organization
Heterogenious linked list
If you are using C language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, what pointer type will you use? The heterogeneous linked list contains different data types in its nodes and we need a link, pointer to connect them. It isContinue reading… Heterogenious linked list
Sort linked list
Node *MoveMinToStart(Node *aHead) { if(aHead == NULL or aHead->next == NULL) return aHead; Node *PrevMin = NULL,*Cur=aHead,*Prev=NULL,*Min=NULL; while(Cur){ if(Min == NULL or Min->Value > Cur->Value){ Min = Cur; PrevMin = Prev; } Prev = Cur; Cur = Cur->next; } if(PrevMinContinue reading… Sort linked list
Repeating characters
Write a funtion that finds repeating characters in a string. Sort the string
Draw circle, using integer operations
Q: Write a routine to draw a circle given a center coordiante (x,y) and a radius (r) without making use of any floating point computations. Refer to graphics algorithms
Give a fast way to multiply a number by 7
Represent 7 in binary format. Now shifting and adding by appropriate times will give the solution or Multiply it by 8 (shift by 3 bits) and subtract the original number.
Check whether a number is power of 2
Q. Give one line C expression to check whether a given number is an exponential power of 2 Ans: if ( x & (x-1) == 0){ printf(“Yes”) }else{ printf(“No”) } What about zero ?? Set the LSB to zero xContinue reading… Check whether a number is power of 2
In array of n numbers one numer repeating, detect it in one pass
Repeated Number = Sigma(n) – Sigma(n-1) Q. The integers from 1 to n are stored in an array in a random fashion. but one integer is missing. Write a program to find the missing integer. Follow the same technique
print integer using putchar, in same order
Given only putchar (no sprintf, itoa, etc.) write a routine putlong that prints out an unsigned long in decimal. [The solution of taking % 10 and / 10, which gives us the decimal value in reverse order. This requires anContinue reading… print integer using putchar, in same order