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Category: Linux
Write permissions to vfat filesystems for normal users
We all know the normal usage of ‘mount’ as command line usage: $ mount -t /dev/hda1 /mnt/directory in /etc/fstab file: /dev/hda1 /mnt/directory vfat defaults 0 0 By using either of above usages, only root can have write permissions on vfatContinue reading… Write permissions to vfat filesystems for normal users
Fetchmail usage
To configure fetchmail (I hope you know that it is used to download mails from remote server to localsystem), create file named ‘.fetchmailrc’ in home directory and add the following line to it. poll [server ip address] with proto [serverContinue reading… Fetchmail usage
Messenger problem
Sometimes, eventhough we can browse the web, we are not able to use any chat clients/messengers like yahoo and msn. This can happen for any of the following reasons: –> DNS Server is not working on the proxy server (serviceContinue reading… Messenger problem
Copying Files
‘tar’ is a good tool for moving files because it retains symbolic links and user/group permissions properly. A simple ‘Tar Pipe’ can be done to send and get files: To send: tar cf – myfiles | ssh remotehost ” (Continue reading… Copying Files
Using ‘export’ for Sound
We know generally we use ‘export’ as export DISPLAY=”″ Similary to export audio to another system we need to start the esd sound server on the machine we need the audio on like this: esd -tcp -public -port xxx thenContinue reading… Using ‘export’ for Sound
CGI errors
Some times, when we try to run a cgi script, apache throws an error message “Internal Server Error”. The possible solutions are: –> The cgi script needs the to have the permission set as 755 if mod_suexec is not enabledContinue reading… CGI errors
Apache configuration
You need to make these changes to your /etc/httpd/conf/http.conf file in super user mode. You need to comment off the line: UserDir disable and instead put UserDir public_html In addition, you need to add: Directory /home/*/public_html> AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig LimitContinue reading… Apache configuration
Netsend using samba
Using Samba in Linux, we can do netsend like in windows to other machines. The command for this is: smbclient -M [NETBIOS Name] -I [IP Address] If you don’t know the NETBIOS name, we can find that using following command:Continue reading… Netsend using samba
Default desktop problem
The default desktop option problem continued till FC3 in RedHat series of Linux is that even though if you change your desktop to kde, next time when you reboot it will load gnome instead of your settings. Some times thisContinue reading… Default desktop problem