Category: Linux
Linux: Awesome Commands
To mount windows share on redhat linux. mount -t cifs -o username=<share user>,password=<share password> //WIN_PC_IP/<share name> /mnt we can further explore -o option which allows add as many options to add as possible.
Vim: visual block mode commands
Selecting Text (Visual Mode) To select text, enter visual mode with one of the commands below, and use arrow keys to highlight the text you are interested in. Then, use some command on the text. The operators that can beContinue reading… Vim: visual block mode commands
Ubuntu: firefox always starts in offline in hardy
After my upgrade to hardy, firefox always starts with offline mode and it’s really hectic to keep change it back to online and refresh the each saved session tabs. Also in parallel, I find my NM (network manager) applet showingContinue reading… Ubuntu: firefox always starts in offline in hardy
Linux : Awesome commands – find
Name find — Searching for files and possibly executing commands on them Synopsis find [path] [options] Examples To list all files below a given directory, say /home/user/some-directory find /home/user/some-directory To find all pdf files below that directory find /home/user/some-directory -nameContinue reading… Linux : Awesome commands – find
Typical Unix/Linux recursive search commands
The Typical one is – to find the files with some pattern recursively in a given directory. $ find path/to/dir -name “*.html” You can replace the “*.html” to your own filename pattern. Another one is, in addition to above IContinue reading… Typical Unix/Linux recursive search commands
Recursive execusion of commands in Linux command prompt
When we want to execute any command recursively for a directory, we can use find command for that. find . -name ‘blah*’ -exec rm -rf {} ; But some times, it gives the error as Argument list too long. InContinue reading… Recursive execusion of commands in Linux command prompt
Managing disk quotas in Linux
Table of Contents 1. Setting quotas 2. Enabling and disabling quotas 3. Checking and updating quotas Summary 1. Setting quotas Linux enables you to limit the amount of space that a user or group can consume on a given partition.Continue reading… Managing disk quotas in Linux
Creating partitions and file systems in Linux
Table of Contents 1. Disk types, units, and partitions 2. Creating partitions 3. Using fdisk 4. Creating file systems with mkfs Summary 1. Disk types, units, and partitions Before partitioning a disk in Linux, it is useful to have someContinue reading… Creating partitions and file systems in Linux
The role of partitions in a Linux file system
Table of Contents 1. The role of partitions in Linux 2. Planning Linux partitions 3. Repartitioning Summary 1. The role of partitions in Linux Before they can be used, hard drives must be divided into sections called partitions. Partitions areContinue reading… The role of partitions in a Linux file system