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Category: Gen
Let me start with Hello World of Blogging!
Hey guys, after so many trails and so many discontinued bloggers ….started blogging on my own machine :-D. Hope you’ll be entertained continuously.
Count down started !!
Another 9 days left to start a new life of an employee … So mean while thought of putting some words on this web on daily basis as my diary. Let me see how regular I am .
When things achieve perfection ….
When I am working on a search engine projects, suddenly I got one thought that is what happens when search become perfect ?(though we are not even close to that). Just think in that way, suppose we achieved our searchContinue reading… When things achieve perfection ….
Visual Intelligence …
Do you any time think about Illusion images, how we visualize those images ? Of course, even I never think about that, even though I have large collection of such illusions. But the interesting thing is – they have veryContinue reading… Visual Intelligence …
A black day to remember ….
Yes, really … The day with the date 17/5/2005 was marked as black day by me. This was the day i spent almost whole day, from morning to evening, travelling by city bus. Don’t be such an impatient, this isContinue reading… A black day to remember ….
The Bus with the drunker …..
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