I’ve been facing some lagging & hanging issues in my new redmi note 4 device. After searching for the solution, i came across below trick which worked for me. Follow below steps to solve lagging and hang problems in XiaomiContinue reading… Hanging issue in MI redmi Note 4
Category: Gen
SSL Authentication in HTTP : Using cURL – Part 3
Open source curl is one of best & stable http client tool as well as library. In this article, we’ll see how can we use libcurl library as well as curl command line utility for two way client authentication. UsingContinue reading… SSL Authentication in HTTP : Using cURL – Part 3
SSL Authentication in HTTP : Basics – Part 2
This article covers to setup both client and server for SSL authentication. Consider we have java server and keytool utility comes with java sdk. To create a server certificate follow these steps: 1. Create the keystore. 2. Export the certificateContinue reading… SSL Authentication in HTTP : Basics – Part 2
SSL Authentication in HTTP : Basics – Part 1
Before going into any details of SSL, best thing is to know the following terminology and file formats. HTTP(s) is basically used for secure transactions in HTTP like payments etc. HTTPS : HTTP protocol on Secure shell which is encryptedContinue reading… SSL Authentication in HTTP : Basics – Part 1
Bangalore – story behind the name
Legend goes that King Veeraballa of Vijayanagara once lost his way in forest. Hungry and tired, he came upon a lone hut in the thick forest where he met an old woman.When he asked for food, she gave him bakedContinue reading… Bangalore – story behind the name
Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer
One of well known novels of Jeffery Archer would be ‘Paths of Glory’, a biography of a world renounced mountaineer, George Mallory. Mallory is the first person to target Everest as per the known resources. The mysterious disappearance of GeorgeContinue reading… Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer
Sandisk Sansa e240 Rhapsody – FAQ
1. Firmware update ? Download the latest firmware based on the player model from the url http://www.sandisk.com/DriverDownload/index.asp . Then, connect the device to the PC and then, you see a new drive E:sansa e260R. Drag and drop the firmware unzippedContinue reading… Sandisk Sansa e240 Rhapsody – FAQ
International Time Conversions
When you are working with an MNC, it’s pretty common to have interactions with onsite team Vs offsite teams. Problems comes when your calender tool not properly convert the appointments between the time zones. These are the very common TimeContinue reading… International Time Conversions
Creating own firefox search-plugin
Firefox has awesome features as everybody knows and one of which is this search plugin. Creating search plugin doesn’t take more than 2 minutes in firefox. Just follow the steps below blindly. 0. Basic requirement you should have firefox installedContinue reading… Creating own firefox search-plugin
Hi Bloggy …. after long time ….
It’s been a while updating my blog, I know. Of course, ups and downs are common in any life cycle whether it is human beings or a software development or a blog too. Ya, I know that’s too muchContinue reading… Hi Bloggy …. after long time ….