import*; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import org.xml.sax.*; public class BasicDom { public static void main(String[] args) { Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename.xml", false); } // Parses an XML file and returns a DOM document. // If validating is true, the contents is validated against the DTD // specified in the file. public static Document parseXmlFile(String filename, boolean validating) { try { // Create a builder factory DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(validating); // Create the builder and parse the file Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(filename)); return doc; } catch (SAXException e) { // A parsing error occurred; the xml input is not valid } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } return null; } }
This is the common code used to parse XML files in Java. Often we see calling this method from other part of code as
Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename.xml", false);
So, this become commonly used scripts in XML programming with Java.