She-Ra and He-Man are twins; She-Ra is the OLDER twin. Assume they were born immediately after each other, an infinitesimally small – but nonzero – amount of time apart. During one year in the course of their lives, She-Ra celebratesContinue reading… She-Ra and He-Man are twins; She-Ra is the OLDER twin. Assume they were born immediately after each other, an infinitesimally small – but nonzero – amount of time apart. During one year in the course of their lives, She-Ra celebrates her birthday two days AFTER He-Man does. How is this possible?
Author: vamsipavan
There is an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to multiplication of all the elements of A[N] except A[i]. For example Output[0] will be multiplication of A[1] to A[N-1] and Output[1] will be multiplication of A[0] and from A[2] to A[N-1].
Solve it without division operator and in O(n).
You have 1000 integers. All are less than 1000 and greater or equal to 1. Among them, 999 are distinct and there is one that is found twice. How can you find the duplicate?
Extension to this questions is – if there are some billion numbers are there, and you have enough memory to fit all these numbers. What is the best of to do the same?
if I had to find duplicates in book catalogs with entries with different titles but with the same content..
This is related to google print application. In other words, we have many books out of which some books titles were different but content same. We need to figure out such cases efficiently. How?
If we would like to index the entire earth population, how long should the index size be?
Really, it was asked in google interview. Of course, this is pretty much similar to classic questions like how many gas stations in the united states? can anybody help? best of all answers comes here …
3 black hats and 2 white hats
Four men are lined up on some steps. They are all facing in the same direction. A wall seperates the fourth man from the other three. So to summarise :- Man 1 can see men 2 and 3. Man 2Continue reading… 3 black hats and 2 white hats
Create a function, called findZeros(), that will compute the number of zeros in the decimal representation of n!
For example, 5! = 120 has one zero and 10! = = 3628800 and has two zeros. can anybody help? best of all answers comes here …
Create a function, called powerSet(), that will output the power set of the input set.
The power set in Algebra theory is the set of all subsets of a set (no..bull-set!) If a set has N elements then the power set will have 2^N elements. So if a set is denoted by {a,b} with a,bContinue reading… Create a function, called powerSet(), that will output the power set of the input set.
Coin weighing and finding defective
There are 9 coins. Out of which one is odd one i.e weight is less or more. How many iterations of weighing are required to find odd coin? Try yourself first and finally, Select all to know the answer. ItContinue reading… Coin weighing and finding defective
Common BPEL Errors
Few common errors in BPEL of Oracle SOA suite are: 1. No domain available for the current user This occurs due to failure to contact Olite database instance while loading SOA suite in the system. As this db has theContinue reading… Common BPEL Errors