I found this very helpful for interviews. This is the small makeup before interviews given by one of M$ employee. You’ve used your killer resume to land an interview with a great company. Now how should you go about preparing?Continue reading… Preparing For a Software Engineering Interview
Author: vamsipavan
A program to draw a circle
I recently came across a book called Programming Interviews Exposed. I’ve never actually read one of these books which purports to tell how to answer interview questions at tech companies. If you’re thinking about buying this book to help youContinue reading… A program to draw a circle
Some routine interview questions
Linked Lists This is an extremely popular topic. I’ve had linked lists on every interview. You must be able to produce simple clean linked list implementations quickly. Implement Insert and Delete for singly-linked linked list sorted linked list circular linkedContinue reading… Some routine interview questions
Nice link to OS concepts
Python tips
The following statement can be used to evaluate the function get_context_english() …… eval(‘get_context’ + str(context))
Links to puzzles
First IITB Student home page
Polynomial evaluation
Paranthesization of polynomial evaluation A polynomial of degree N-1 will have N terms (including the constant). And a product of two polynomials each of degree N-1 will have a degree of 2N-2 with 2N-1 terms. Evaluation of a polynomial functionContinue reading… Polynomial evaluation
Virtual Functions (C++ Concepts)
Virtual Functions Design Patterns Important C/C++ Basic Concepts Program startup and termination are facilitated by using two functions: main and exit. Other startup and termination code may be executed. The arguments in the prototype int main( int argc[ , charContinue reading… Virtual Functions (C++ Concepts)
Sum two numbers using bits
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ int a=atoi(argv[1]),b=atoi(argv[2]),sum,carry; sum = a^b; carry = a&b; while(carry){ carry = carry
Networks Concepts
OSI Layers (Open Systems Interconnection) Physical Layer It deals with data at signals level electric impluses, radio , light waves. Needs support from hardware. This layer conveys the bit stream – electrical impulse, light or radio signal — through theContinue reading… Networks Concepts