I had a similar issue on my WordPress site. It was hosted on a shared host. The host limits the connections per user to 25000 every hour. I see two possible solutions for this to get fixed.
First Solution:-
The below code enabled me to keep the website running while I debugged any plugin that could be generating too many queries. I created 4 users with the same password in the wp-config file. The code below changes the database username every 15 minutes using the PHP switch statement.
$count = date("i"); switch (true) { case $count <= 15: $user = 'mainuser'; break; case $count <= 30: $user = 'mainuserx'; break; case $count <= 45: $user = 'mainusery'; break; default: $user = 'mainuserz'; break; } define('DB_USER', "$user");
This solution works with the assumption that you’ll have multiple db users exists.
Second Solution:-
Try this from your phpmyadmin
console (Select your database and go to SQL section):
SET @MAX_QUESTIONS=0; // This will set unlimited. FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
Alternatively, you can also do this:
UPDATE user SET max_questions = 0 WHERE user = 'you username or root'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
If you get an error on privileges
then ask your provider/admin.