5 cards game …

Two prisoners were sentenced to death by King Xuan of Zhou and were
kept in two different inaccessible cells. They were to be put to the
gallows the day after. However, King Xuan wanted to give them a last
chance. Since he was very fond of riddles, he came up with one for the
prisoners which if they solved, they would be set free. The prisoners
were told that they would be put into a single cell for a day when they
can discuss their strategy, after which they would again be sent back
to their respective cells. One of the prisoners would then be given 5
playing cards out of the pack of 52 cards. He can send four of these
five cards to the other prisoner through the jailor one by one after
which the second prisoner has to guess the one card (number and suit)
which is left with the first prisoner. If he guesses right, both the
prisoners would be set free but if not they would be hanged the same

What strategy could they possibly come up with which could save them?

To know the solution .

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